Toxicity levels in treated oil cakes of Simarouba glauca DC.

  • Shafigul Shafiqi Shaikh Zayed University Khost Afghanistan.
  • Qiamudin Abad Shaikh Zayed University Khost Afghanistan
  • Qasimullah ryan Shaikh Zayed University Khost Afghanistan
Keywords: Toxicit, levels, treated oil, cakes, Simarouba, glauca, DC


Simarouba glauca an exotic species introduced to India has potential to yield oil, used for Biofuel production and oil cake for feed and manure.  The cake is rich in protein, amino acids and other organic and inorganic nutrients. It is   unfit for use as it contains toxic compounds like alkaloids, Phenolics, Phytic acid and Saponin and other anti-nutritional factors.   Therefore experiments were conducted to remove the toxins and make oil cake fit for use as animal feed or for human consumption. Different treatments , boiling, roasting, autoclaving,  soaking with water, methanol extraction, fermentation, acetic acid, sodium hydroxide, roasting + ammonia, hydrochloric acid were given to the cake and effect of these on toxic contents of the cake were studied. There was significant decrease in the levels of toxic constituents due to treatments. Methanol and roasting + ammonia treatments were most effective in removing the alkaloids from the cake. Phenolics were reduced to a very low level by roasting + ammonia and fermentation treatments. Acetic acid treatment reduced the phytic acid to the lowest level over all other treatments. Saponins were completely removed by hydrochloric acid treatment.

Results showed that it is possible to remove the toxic compounds from the cake and retain nutrients by different treatments by a programmed treatments schedule.

Author Biographies

Shafigul Shafiqi, Shaikh Zayed University Khost Afghanistan.

Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, 

Qiamudin Abad, Shaikh Zayed University Khost Afghanistan

Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy,

Qasimullah ryan, Shaikh Zayed University Khost Afghanistan

Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, 


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How to Cite
Shafiqi, S., Abad, Q., & ryan, Q. (2021). Toxicity levels in treated oil cakes of Simarouba glauca DC. IJO - International Journal of Agriculture and Research ( ISSN 2814-189X ), 4(09), 01-08. Retrieved from