• Dr. Alejandro Suarez Universidad Católica de Guayaquil
Keywords: Atherosclerosis, Obesity, Diastolic dysfunction, Metabolic syndrome


Obesity is growing all over the world and now childhood is involucrated with the syndrome.Health World Organization estimates that 2.100 million people around the world suffer overweight or obesity.An altered ventricular filling pattern could be a complication of obesity. Ventricular diastolic dysfunction is defined as a pathology in which it is necessary to rise filling pressures in order to get a normal cardiac index.In its definition must be a normal eyection fraction, concentric ventricular hypertrophy, normal ventricular volumes, and altered ventricular filling patterns.2. Metabolic Syndrome is a clinical entity characterized by the association of several risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular events and diabetes. It has a prevalence of 15 to 40%. According to Health World Organization (HWO) for diagnose Metabolic Syndrome is necessary the presence –basically- of Insulin resistance  and two other risk factors such as hypertension over 140/90 mmHg, a body mass index over 30, Triglycerides over 150 mg/dl and  HDL cholesterol under 35 mg/dl in men, and microalbuminuria. 3.In this paper, we were looking for diastolic dysfunction in people with overweight or obesity, nor diabetic and nor hypertensive patients.41 patients were studied searching for insulinemia and left the ventricular diastolic function.We find a shortening fraction of 36.2 +- 4.7 in the normoinsulinemic group vs  37.1 +- 6.1 in the hyperinsulinemic group. Regarding the left ventricular mass this had a value of 162 +- 61.5  in in the normoinsulinemic group and 182.6 +- 40.7 in patients with hyperinsulinemia.We found left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in 22 subjects (53.6 %). Metabolic Syndrome was present in 17 (41.4%) patients.When we investigated arterial tension, left ventricular eyection fraction and the e/a ratio of left ventricular filling no alterations were found.


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How to Cite
Suarez, D. A. (2019). SOBREPESO, OBESIDAD Y DISFUNCION DIASTOLICA. IJO - International Journal of Health Sciences and Nursing ( ISSN: 2814-2098 ), 2(10), 01-10. Retrieved from