IJO - International Journal of Mathematics (ISSN: 2992-4421 ) 2024-06-02T10:12:46+00:00 Rahul Khan Open Journal Systems <p><strong>IJO Journal of Mathematics</strong> is an international journal devoted to research concerning all aspects of mathematics. The Journal’s policy is to motivate authors to publish research papers that represent significant contributions, and which are of broad interests to the fields of pure and applied mathematics. <strong>IJO Journal of Mathematics&nbsp;</strong>journal which publishes research articles, reviews, case studies, guest edited thematic issues and short communications/letters in all areas of mathematics, applied mathematics, applied commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, mathematical biology, physics and engineering, theoretical bioinformatics, experimental mathematics etc.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> Techniques to solve Diophantine Equation of Degree Ten with Six Unknowns 2024-06-02T10:12:46+00:00 DR. N. THIRUNIRAISELVI DR. M.A. GOPALAN <p><em>This paper focuses on finding varieties of distinct integer solutions to the Diophantine equation of degree ten with six unknowns given by <strong>&nbsp;</strong>through employing the substitution strategy and method of factorization. A new representation for the factorization of integer 40 involving sides of Pythagorean triangle has been introduced</em></p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##