• OBOT, MARY IFIOK University of Port Harcourt.
  • NDU, EUGENE CHIGOZIE University of Port Harcourt.
Keywords: Manual Food Processing, Taste, Texture, Attractiveness, Restaurants


This study investigated the relationship between food processing method and food quality of local delicacies in Rivers State, Nigeria. The studyemployed a quasi-experimental research design and convenient sampling technique, data was gathered and analysed from a sample of 400 respondents using a well-structured questionnaire.  Bivariate analysis was employed to test the three hypotheses developed for the study. The findings revealed that manual food processing had positive and significant relationships with three measures of food quality (taste, texture and attractiveness). The study concluded that irrespective of the food production process adopted by local dish restaurants, there is need to continuously consider superior food quality as strategy to satisfying their customers. It was thus recommended that local dish restaurants should produce their food under strict hygienic condition when using the manual food production process and that the continuous usage of manual process may improve food quality since it has been proven that it has the capacity to influence food quality.

Author Biographies

OBOT, MARY IFIOK, University of Port Harcourt.

Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 

NDU, EUGENE CHIGOZIE, University of Port Harcourt.

Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 


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