• NDU, EUGENE CHIGOZIE University of Port Harcourt
  • SUBAI, TONBARA University of Port Harcourt.
Keywords: Beach resources, Economic Development, Socio-cultural Development, Environmental Development


This study sought to examine the relationship between beach resources and sustainable tourism development in Bayelsa state. This was against the backdrop of a number of concerns threatening the sustainable development of tourism industry in Bayelsa that solutions were sought through this study. To achieve the aim of the study,  beach resources  was studied for its impact on three measure of sustainable tourism development. The data for the study was gathered via the use of questionnaire distributed to the sampled beach/water tourist sites, using a sample random sampling technique, a total of 400 questionnaires was distributed, out of which 296 were used for analysis. With Pearson Moment Correlation andsimple  regression, the study found that beach resources is significant predictor of sustainable tourism development in Bayelsa state. Consequently, the entire null hypothesis were rejected. On the basis of conclusion, recommendations were offered. Among other recommendation, the need for deliberate and collaborative efforts between private tourism practitioners, government and host communities towards the development of tourism sector was emphasized.

Author Biographies

NDU, EUGENE CHIGOZIE, University of Port Harcourt

Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 

SUBAI, TONBARA, University of Port Harcourt.

Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management,


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