Leadership styles and patient-centred care in tertiary hospitals

Keywords: Transformational, emotional intelligent, individual consideration, PCC, PC, ES


Underpinned by SERVQUAL, this paper extends research and theory on leadership by proposing and examining a theory-driven framework on the nexus between three relational-based leadership (transformational, emotional intelligence and individual consideration) and patient-centred care (PCC): physical comfort (PC) and emotional support (ES).The underlying philosophical paradigm for data collection was positivism and nomothetic explanation, given that the design was a cross-sectional survey. Opinions of 310 medical professionals in the two tertiary hospitals in Rivers State, Nigeria were randomly sampled from apopulation of 1675.Krejcie and Morgan’s table guided the scientific determination of the sample, Bowley’s model aided proportional allocation, and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)aided by AMOS was the test statistic at 0.05 significance level.In order of significance, transformational leadership was found to boost the measures of PCC more than the two others though increase in emotional intelligence does not translate to a corresponding increase in ES, due to the objectivist tendencies of some medical professionals and the service pressures in tertiary hospitals. Implicit is that medical professionals should always improve transformational leadership; work on emotional intelligence and individual consideration by always differing in, and prioritizing, perspectives when addressing issues. 


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