• Mohammed A. N. A. Imam Yobe State University, Nigeria
Keywords: Dependency Theories, Development, Modernization Theory, Third World Theories, Under development


The aim of this paper is to conceptualize development and under development and discuss them based on the theories of development and their perspectives. The paper argued that development is a multi dimensional concept conceived as any significant change that involves economic, socio-cultural, political and even environmental aspects of a country. Issues of gender and economic wellbeing and equality, political inclusion or participation, social justice, and peace and stability are all important when it comes to the subject of development. Under development, on the other hand, is the antithesis of development represented with backward indicators, such as low per capita income/GDP, low level of literacy,and low level oftechnology, weakeconomic and political institutions, political instability and fragile statehood. The terms have been evaluated using modernization and dependency theories. The former theories see development as synonymous with the western models. The latter theories argued that the backwardness of the underdeveloped countries is an outcome global economic inequality and exploitation. In view of this, the paper concludes that development and underdevelopment are two sides of the same coin.

Author Biography

Mohammed A. N. A. Imam, Yobe State University, Nigeria

Department of Sociology, 


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