Medicine, Philosophy, Health "between George Kangelam and Michel Foucault".
ijo-journal of applied science vol. 2 issue 3


Clinical ,Medicine , Ideology , Hospital , Clinic , Physician , History of Medicine , Health , Medical Ethics


This paper investigates the philosophic wager of modern and contemporary medicine by George Cangelam and Michel Foucault as the first models through his author Ideology and rationality in the history of life sciences and the second through his book The Birth of Clinical Medicine. Georges Cangelam is a physician and philosopher. He studied medicine in parallel with the teaching of philosophy. "Philosophy hopes to benefit every foreign matter, but we have to say that each of its articles should be external, in addition to the other disappointment suffered by Kangilam where medicine has become far away.His supreme goal, which he wrote in 1943, was that he was waiting for medicine "as an introduction to concrete human issues." Michel Foucault's philosophical philosophical thesis can be found in his text of the 1960s, dubbed "the birth of the clinic" or "the birth of clinical medicine" This text examines the clinical medical examination, the stages and the origins of its birth that came in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, where Foucault seems to be preoccupied with understanding how to adapt the knowledge of the body within the institution of authority.



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