An EMBA Programme is Catching UP Fast

  • Dr. Prem Lal Joshi
Keywords: EMBA, Programme, Catching


In the ever fast changing business world in which currently, digitalization is playing a key role, it is becoming imperative for the working executives to embrace changes by fighting obsolesce in their work place, keep learning and adapting challenges on a continuous basis in order to improve their management practices, skills and leadership capabilities through management education programmes, for example, an Executive Management Business Administration (EMBA). When businesses become complex and global in size, their managers need to develop their cross-functional skills, expertise in decision making and strategic vision. To sharpen their managerial and leadership capabilities, the current trend indicates that business managers are pursuing their higher degrees in management and business through EMBA as more than 100 universities and Business Schools are offering such a programme alone in the USA. Therefore, the objective of this article is to shed some light on the increasing demand for EMBA around the globe.

Author Biography

Dr. Prem Lal Joshi

(Former Professor of Accounting MMU Malaysia & UOB, Bahrain)


Blogger, Q. S., (2012) The benefits of an Executive MBA: Real world relevance.
Bryrne, J., (2019) The top 50 Executive MBA programs in the U.S.
Ethier, M., (2017) Survey: EMBA Demand Strong, Class Size Up.
Vaudrev, S., (2015) The importance of teamwork in an Executive MBA program.
How to Cite
Joshi, D. P. L. (2019). An EMBA Programme is Catching UP Fast. IJO -International Journal of Business Management ( ISSN 2811-2504 ), 2(12), 06-14. Retrieved from