• Sutaryat Trisnamansyah Nusantara Islamic University
  • Muhammad Yudha Kusumawardana Nusantara Islamic University
  • Sofyan Sauri Nusantara Islamic University
  • Hendi Suhendraya Muchtar Nusantara Islamic University
Keywords: School Leadership, Strategic, Teacher Performance


Leadership strategies of principals have a lot to do with teachers, academic staff and students who have different characteristics, so principals must be able to guide and mobilize according to their potential. The aim is to obtain an empirical picture of the Planning, Implementation, Supporting and inhibiting factors and Evaluation of the Implementation of strategic management. Qualitative descriptive analytic method, with data collection using interview techniques, study documentation and observation. The results of this study with strategic steps in general have been implemented and can improve the performance of vocational teachers in Sukabumi Regency. Teacher performance is proven to support student achievement both academic and non-academic. Principal performance can still be improved through strategy development. The documentation of the two schools has designed a work program as a reference for the implementation of activities in improving the performance of school principals. Strategic implementation of school principals in improving teacher performance in both Vocational Schools which includes teacher performance coaching, teacher performance monitoring, education staff discipline discipline. Conclusion management strategy has been able to improve teacher performance in both vocational schools in Sukabumi Regency. Has been carried out to the maximum but has not been carried out as a whole in accordance with the provisions.


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