• Humphrey Musera Lugonzo Kisii University,
Keywords: Covid–19 pandemic, status, basic education


Education is the backbone of any nature of development in any nation worldwide be it social, economic, cultural, political and technological development just to mention a few. However, Covid19 pandemic paralyzed the entire system of education and hence brought an extremely great uncertainty in the education sector in the entire world, Kenya included. This research paper therefore gives a better understanding of the nature of the uncertainty caused and brought about by Covid19 pandemic on the education sector in order to chat the best way(s) possible to navigate through it. The study gives the overall views, challenges and possible suggestions particularly in relation to Kenya. It is anticipated that the outcomes of this research paper will enable the government of Kenya and all stakeholders in the education sector within and without Kenya to identify and implement emergency response policies frameworks to mitigate Covid19 pandemic and other similar emerging disasters that could impact negatively on the education sector. It is further hoped that this paper will contribute to the existing body of research knowledge by laying a base that will enable future researchers to research further in this area of study.

Author Biography

Humphrey Musera Lugonzo, Kisii University,

Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education and Human Resource Development, 


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