The role of collective play in developing some leadership behavior skills from the female teachers' point of view

  • ALAGALIN, DONA ABDULAZIZ King Faisal University
Keywords: planning skill, communication skill, early childhood stage, kindergarten teachers


The current study aims to know the role of Collective play in developing leadership behavior skills from the point of view of female teachers. To achieve the Objectives of the Study, for its suitability for the study. The study sample consisted of (268) kindergarten teachers in Al-Ahsa Governorate. Adopted by the researcher An Available Sample Method. The researcher prepared a questionnaire to measure the role of group play in developing some leadership behavior skills from the teachers' point of view. The study recommended the importance of preparing future leaders and ensuring that they acquire leadership skills. ‏

Author Biography

ALAGALIN, DONA ABDULAZIZ, King Faisal University

Faculty of Education Kindergarten Section
