The Management Studies in Maintenance of Customer Satisfaction Factors in the Company Industry

  • Dr Sutarman STMIK Triguna Utama
  • Haryono Edi Hermawan Jl. Kimas Laeng Sudirman Indah Complex, Tangerang Regency
Keywords: management studies, satisfaction factors, corporate industry


Maintenance management Customer satisfaction is an important factor in the development and management of processes in the company, also in the creation of corporate relationships with professional customers. one of the determinants of success is a fundamental problem for company managers who must continue to strive to improve their performance in order to survive in the market. Providing superior and different quality and maintaining customer satisfaction, as for the way companies use to distinguish them from competitors. The main objective of this study is to identify customer satisfaction factors and determine the factors used to measure customer satisfaction and to determine their effect on customer satisfaction in the company. Analyze theoretical and practical understanding of their satisfaction in the corporate industry. A survey conducted in this study focused on customers. Customer perceptions regarding employee performance are measured using five factors, namely; timeliness, cost, quality, customer security. Through analysis of the data generated by surveys and interviews, that all factors identified in the customer satisfaction model do not have the same significance. This research approach is useful for corporate companies, while in identifying and improving weak areas and improving service quality for customers.


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How to Cite
Sutarman, D., & Hermawan, H. E. (2019). The Management Studies in Maintenance of Customer Satisfaction Factors in the Company Industry. IJO -International Journal of Business Management ( ISSN 2811-2504 ), 2(07), 42-49. Retrieved from