• Moguche Abeo Matara Kemu
Keywords: Age Consideration, Ethnicity Contemplation, Performance of Devolved Ministries


Globalization because of advancement in technology in the 21st century has brought about diversity in workforce in business enterprises, government and civil society. Arguably, an organization that exploits diversity in human resources improves its competitiveness in the market by offering quality and customized services. Therefore, organizations should value both differences and similarities of individuals within the work environment. This study investigated the growing impact of diversity management practice and its relationship to performance of devolved ministries in Meru-county. The factors underlying diversity management practices were Age Consideration and Ethnicity Contemplation. The target population was 150 employees, however, a sample of 109 employees was studied which comprised 73% of the total population. The study employed probability sampling design whereby stratified sampling and simple random sampling determined sample for the study. The underpinning theories of the study were Upper Echelon theory, Strategic Choice theory and Social Identity theory. Questionnaires containing open and closed ended questions were used to collect the data.  The responses from the questionnaires weresummarized in form of descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of SPSS (Version 20). Multiple linear regressionshowed the relationship between the performance of devolved ministries and the independent variables (Age Consideration and Ethnicity Contemplation). Frequency tables, pie charts and bar graphs were used to present the analyzed data. The study found that age consideration was a positive significant factor while ethnicity contemplation was a positive albeit insignificant in explaining the performance of devolved ministries in Meru County. Devolved ministries should therefore adopt diversity in ethnic contemplation and especially age consideration in order to improve their performance.


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How to Cite
Matara, M. (2018). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND PERFORMANCE OF DEVOLVED MINISTRIES IN THARAKA SOUTH SUB COUNTY. IJO -International Journal of Business Management ( ISSN 2811-2504 ), 1(11), 01-18. Retrieved from