Organizational approach of informal intermediaries in commerce in the city of Butembo

Keywords: organizational approach, commercial intermediary


the intermediation activity in the town of Butembo is one of the informal income-generating activities and not only contributes to the social well-being of "business men" but also facilitates operations for traders. Unfortunately, this activity encounters a lot of organizational difficulties. Because, no one is unaware that, a social group without an organization make a danger for its leaders and for those around it.

This explains the cases for some business men who sometimes misappropriate the goods of customers or even traders. In this sense, it is essential to create a good organizational structure of intermediation, to make this sector into a formal sector.

Thus, it is imperative to organize awareness-raising and awareness-raising sessions for all "Business men" so that they join the same association; and remind the urban authority of Butembo that informal intermediation is a revenue-generating activity; therefore, it can broaden the tax base once the authority has oversight; hence its support is of paramount importance.

Author Biography

Assistant at the Baptist University of Congo (UBC) in Butembo


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How to Cite
Jonathan, M. K. (2023). Organizational approach of informal intermediaries in commerce in the city of Butembo. IJO -International Journal of Business Management ( ISSN 2811-2504 ), 6(08), 01-17. Retrieved from