Will the Development Road Project be a Threshold for the Islamic Common Market Initiative?

  • Hayriye Çakıcı Baskin İstanbul Arel University
  • Prof. Dr. Celil Uğur Özgöker İstanbul Arel University
Keywords: Development Road, Islamic Common Market, integration of the Middle East with the supranational structure


In 2024, a ‘Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Cooperation on the Development Road Project’ was signed between Turkey, Iraq, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. This road will open the Persian Gulf hinterland to Europe via Turkey. Although it is a protocol signed by only 4 countries, all countries in the Middle East will benefit from the opportunities of the road. However, for the project to work, an atmosphere of peace must be established in the region. In this context, it should be ensured that the signatures signed in this context will evolve step by step into permanent peace in the Middle East and eventually into the Islamic Common Market.

This study focuses on the effects, contributions, and benefits of an EU-like integration in the Middle East, based on supranational structure and economic cooperation. For this purpose, the steps that will end the conflict and war between the Middle Eastern states and the exploitation and absolute superiority of the West are discussed in historical context and by comparing them with the EU.

As a result, to end the conflicts in Palestine, Syria, and other regions, to ensure the well-being of the people in the Middle East and the welfare of those living there, it is necessary to establish a common market, to produce policies for the benefit of everyone and to eliminate future dangers by acting together. The first step could be the Development Road Project. Therefore, all actors should endeavour in good faith for the success of the project.


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How to Cite
Baskin, H. Çakıcı, & Özgöker, P. D. C. U. (2024). Will the Development Road Project be a Threshold for the Islamic Common Market Initiative?. IJO -International Journal of Business Management ( ISSN 2811-2504 ), 7(07), 01-14. Retrieved from https://ijojournals.com/index.php/bm/article/view/916