• I Nyoman Lodra
  • I Made Kenak Dwi Adnyana
  • I Gede Narayana
  • Suara adi Saputra
  • Adhi Paramartha
  • I Made Darmada
Keywords: aesthetics, spirituality, diversity, globalization, tolerance


Bali is the center of the world's attention as a cultural tourism destination that is alive and
colored by spiritual activities, in the midst of globalization where religious diversity grows,
Hindu spiritual aesthetics are the basic values that are the basis of Balinese people's life
reflected in building religious tolerance. This research discusses the problem of Hindu
spiritual aesthetics in Bali facing the challenges of globalization, as well as being the
foundation for building harmony in life between religious communities. Objective: to find out
how the aesthetic basis of Hindu spirituality in interfaith tolerance. Benefits: being a
reference in other areas in building tolerance in religion. Methods: through literature review
and qualitative critical analysis, this article reveals that the application of universal Hindu
values such as Kalapatra Village, (diman tanah is stepped on there the sky is upheld), Tat
Twam Asi (you are me) and Tri Hita Karana (the three causes of happiness) are able to create
a natural, social, and cultural environment of society that is conducive to mutual respect in
religion. Globalization is not an intolerance or threat, but rather a medium to spread the
values of harmony to the international level, and enrich the spirituality of the Balinese Hindu

Author Biographies

I Nyoman Lodra

Politeknik Bali Maha Werdhi

I Made Kenak Dwi Adnyana

DKV Politeknik Bali Maha Werdhi, Bali.

I Gede Narayana

Politeknik Bali Maha Werdhi

Suara adi Saputra

D3 Perhotelan, Politeknik Bali Maha Werdhi

Adhi Paramartha

Sistem Informasi ITB Stikom Bali

I Made Darmada

Penjaskes Universitas PGRI Mahadewa Indonesia


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How to Cite
Lodra, I. N., Adnyana, I. M. K. D., Narayana, I. G., Saputra, S. adi, Paramartha, A., & Darmada, I. M. (2025). HINDU SPIRITUAL AESTHETICS AND GLOBALIZATION FOSTER RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE IN BALI INDONESIA. IJO -International Journal of Business Management ( ISSN 2811-2504 ), 8(01), 01-08. Retrieved from https://ijojournals.com/index.php/bm/article/view/981