• I Nyoman Lodra
  • Putu Prapti Budasari
  • I Wayan Windutama
  • Ngakan Agung Purwanta
  • Yoga Bayu Pramana
  • Made Nova Buanaputra
  • Wisnuyasa *
Keywords: Painting, Yong Artist, Transformation, Bali, Agrarian Culture, Industrial Culture


Life culture or culture that lives as the identity of Bali, Indonesia, in addition to agrarian
culture is a strong foundation for the development of arts, rituals, and ceremonies, as well as
the growth of flowers into the culture of the tourism industry. The focus of the problem on the
concept of creating Young Artis painting is the forerunner of the development of agrarian
culture to the tourism industry. Significant changes in Balinese culture, affecting people's way
of life, including in terms of painting. This article aims to examine the shift from agrarian
culture to tourism industry culture, as well as its impact on previously developed painting,
through the perspective of "Yong Artist".The concept of "Yong Artist" refers to the generation
of young artists in the village of Penestanan, Ubud, Bali, who explore contemporary themes
while maintaining their cultural identity. Benefits: to be a model for the development of
agrarian culture to other cultures, as well as a reference for the following research. This
research: using a qualitative discriminatory approach with literature review, observation,
and interview methods to dig deeper into the relationship between painting and cultural
change. The results of the study show that the concept of creating young Balinese artist
paintings indicates that there is a transformation of agrarian culture to contemporary art
needed by the tourism industry in line with the socio-economic changes in the Penestanan
Ubud, Bali community.

Author Biographies

I Nyoman Lodra

Politeknik Bali Maha Werdhi

Putu Prapti Budasari

D.3 Perhotelan Politenik Bali Maha Werdhi,

I Wayan Windutama

D.3 Perhotelan Politenik Bali Maha Werdhi

Ngakan Agung Purwanta

D3 Multimedia, Politenik Bali Maha Werdhi

Yoga Bayu Pramana

D3 Multimedia Politenik Bali Maha Werdhi

Made Nova Buanaputra

D.3 Perhotelan Politenik Bali Maha Werdhi

Wisnuyasa *

D3 Desain Komunikasi Visual Politenik Bali Maha Werdhi


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How to Cite
Lodra, I. N., Budasari, P. P., Windutama, I. W., Purwanta, N. A., Pramana, Y. B., Buanaputra, M. N., & *, W. (2025). THE CONCEPT OF YONG ARTIST PAINTING: THE CHANGE OF AGRARIAN CULTURE TO TOURISM INDUSTRY CULTURE IN BALI, INDONESIA. IJO -International Journal of Business Management ( ISSN 2811-2504 ), 8(01), 09-15. Retrieved from