Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory reaction with less supporting bone in the tissue around a functional implant.First, the bacteria damage the supporting apparatus of the implant, then we have the presence and accumulation of the plaque, leading to irreversible tissue damage.Peri-implantitis predisposing factors are: poor oral hygiene, diabetes, osteoporosis, smoking, etc.
The possibility for peri-implant is higher when the patient has lost his natural teeth due to periodontitis, caries or any oral trauma.The diagnosis is based on: the blood flow around the implant, the depth of the probe, the mobility of the implant, radiological evidence of the bone shortness around the implant. Prevention of peri-implant is the first step towards the success of the dental implant: regular visits, education, plaque control with the relevant procedures especially around the implant, instrumentation around the implant up to the raising of the medical flap for access, routine radiography.In some cases, laser irradiation sessions can also be applied.The peri-implant is a very difficult person to treat, so prevention and early detection are the key to the success of the dental implant.An important role is also played in the awareness of the patient and the learning of the necessary instruments to achieve a healthy oral environment.
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