Cadmium (Cd), a known ubiquitous naturally occurring toxic element has been recognized to have deleterious effect in biological systems, affecting mostly the testis, liver, pancreas, kidneys, and bone. Cd accumulates mainly in the kidney and liver which are critical targets for its acute toxicity. Evaluation of toxic potentials of this metal is important for the risk assessment of those ordinarily exposed to it. This study investigated the effects of natural spices mixture on renal toxicity in rats exposed to cadmium. Graded doses (200 mg, 300 mg, and 400 mg/Kg body weight) of natural spices mixture were administered orally to the rats. After forty two days, significant increases in serum urea, and cratinine concentrations were observed in cadmium exposed rats compared to control group (P < 0.05). Natural spices mixture treatment of cadmium exposed rats significantly loweredurea and creatinine concentrations, compared to cadmiumalone group (P < 0.05).Natural spices mixture had significantly decreased all renal function parameters and protected kidney cells against Cd induced toxicity. The histology evaluation of kidney tissues of the experimental rats showed that the induction of Cd toxicity without treatment caused significant glomerular necrosis, while the administration of natural spices mixture protected the kidney tissues from necrosis and other pathological changes. The results of this study supported the potential ameliorative effects of natural spices mixture on rat kidney tissues against cadmium induced nephrotoxicity.
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